Piles (Haemorrhoids)
What are haemorrhoids?
Who is affected?
What causes haemorrhoids?
What are the symptoms of haemorrhoids?
How are haemorrhoids diagnosed?
How are haemorrhoids treated?
What can I do?
What is the outlook?
What are haemorrhoids?
Haemorrhoids are small, blood-filled swellings, caused by dilated (varicose) veins of the rectum or anus, that cause anal bleeding, itching and discomfort. They may be located at the beginning of the anal canal (internal haemorrhoids) or at the anal opening (external haemorrhoids) and may be present for years, but go undetected until bleeding occurs. Haemorrhoids are not dangerous.
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Who is affected?
Haemorrhoids are most common in adult men and women.
What causes haemorrhoids?
Constipation and straining during bowel movements may cause haemorrhoids by increasing the pressure in the anal or rectal veins. Other factors that may contribute to haemorrhoids include a low fibre diet, prolonged sitting or standing, obesity, anal intercourse, pregnancy and loss of muscle tone due to old age or rectal surgery.
What are the symptoms of haemorrhoids?
- Rectal bleeding — bright-red blood may appear as small stains on toilet paper or as a slow trickle for a short time following bowel movements.
- Pain, itching or mucus discharge following bowel movements.
- A lump can be felt in the anus.
- A sensation that the rectum has not emptied completely after a bowel movement — this is only felt if you have large haemorrhoids.
How are haemorrhoids diagnosed?
You will probably suspect that you have haemorrhoids, but you should visit your doctor to rule out any other possible causes of the rectal bleeding. Your doctor will organise investigations, if they are necessary.
How are haemorrhoids treated?
Treatment of internal/external hemorrhoids, fissure in ano by Kshar- sutra is possible without surgery and with negligible reoccurrence.
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What can I do?
- Do not hurry or strain during a bowel movement, especially following treatment, or the haemorrhoids may recur.
- Clean the anal area gently with soft, moist paper after each bowel movement.
- Add plenty of fibre to your diet, drink eight to 10 glasses of water every day and exercise regularly.
- To relieve pain, sit in eight to 10 inches of hot water for 10—20 minutes several times a day.
- If a haemorrhoid is swollen and painful and protruding from the back passage, stay in bed for a day and apply ice packs to the anal area for 20 minutes an hour for a maximum of three hours a day. Try using a pack of frozen vegetables wrapped in a cloth and never allow the ice to come directly into contact with the skin.
What is the outlook?
Haemorrhoids usually clear up with proper care, although symptoms may flare up again following a bout of constipation.
Avoiding constipation is the best way to prevent recurrence.
Anal Fistula
What is an anal fistula?
What causes an anal fistula?
Does an abscess always result in a fistula?
What are the symptoms of an anal fistula?
How is it diagnosed?
How is an anal fistula treated?
What is an anal fistula?
Generally speaking, a fistula is a small tunnel or tract that connects one surface in the body to another. When such a tunnel occurs between the internal anal canal and the exterior skin of the body near the anus, it is called an anal fistula.
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What causes an anal fistula?
An anal fistula is usually caused by an anal abscess, an infection-filled cavity occurring in the underlying tissues of the anal canal. When an abscess bursts or is opened, and the pus or fluid drains from it, an anal fistula is often formed. It then remains open, even after the abscess has healed.
If you have an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)—such as diverticulitis, colitis, or Crohn’s disease—you are more likely to develop an anal abscess and fistula. Individuals with diseases that reduce the body’s immunity—such as AIDS or cancer—are also at a higher risk.
Does an abscess always result in a fistula?
Many anal abscesses do not result in anal fistulas. In fact, a fistula develops in only about half of all anal abscess cases.
What are the symptoms of an anal fistula?
Ongoing pain, swelling, and tenderness are symptoms of both anal abscesses and fistulas. You may also experience drainage of pus and fluid from the abscess, which can cause irritation and itching on the skin around the anus. Other symptoms include fever, chills, fatigue or weakness.
How is it diagnosed?
A physician may be able to diagnose an anal fistula by physically examining the area surrounding the anus. However, if external signs, such as an opening in the skin, are missing, then an internal exam will be necessary. An instrument called an anoscope is used to inspect the anal canal and rectum for indications of an abscess or other inflammation.
How is an anal fistula treated?
An anal fistula will not heal on its own. Although antibiotics may occasionally be effective, most persistent anal fistulas require a more aggressive approach.
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